Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Not getting awards and young poets in the Times

So, I'm not going to get an Northern Promise Award, so I'm at least five years older than the young poets in the Times, so this is my third attempt to start this blog (I deleted the first attempt - inane wittering about Jesmond mums and their attitude towards road safety that led my 3 and half year old to say "fugging heck" as we narrowly avoided being mown down by a ridiculous tank - hence the title of the blog; the second is on wordpress but I just can't handle their dashboard)... so what.

I'm actually procrastinating, I should be getting some pages down for script frenzy but I just want to get some of my poems out there so that I have at least a minor online presence. These poems have all appeared elsewhere (mainly thanks to ID on Tyne) so I don't have to worry about saving them for any poetry comps out there...

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